Cut-Rate Commander - Rebellion Rising | Precon Upgrade Guide | Powered-Up Tokens | Cut-Rate Commander | Commander EDH

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Cut-Rate Commander - Precon Upgrade Guide for Rebellion Rising & Neyali, Suns' Vanguard from Phyrexia All Will Be One #mtg #commander #edh #mtgphyrexia #mtgone

Returning to New Phyrexia yet again, the Mirrian resistance fighter Neyali, Suns' Vanguard from the Phyrexia All Will be One Rebellion Rising Precon is eagerly waiting to unleash her flock against the Phyrexian menace - ready to avenge her home with every drop of oil her and her attack birds spill.

In this upgrade, we’ll be refining the base builds ability to benefit from our commander AOE double strike granting and card advantage generating via our tokens – aiming to flood the board with an ever increasing sea of bodies, powering them up via anthems and lords, and making it as hard as possible for our opponents to break our boards – all while our commander keeps giving us more and more resources as we continue to swing in with our token army, eventually overwhelming our opponents with sheer numbers.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead. Also, let me know know who you would like to see next by voting on in the comments on the three choices of commander listed at the end of the video.

Decklist -

All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast

00:00 – Introduction
00:53 – Commander & Gameplan
04:57 – Keepers
14:47 – Upgrades
23:11 – Breakdown
27:06 – Closing Thoughts

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